Biological Wastewater Treatment
Smith & Loveless Ltd. offers a complete range of aerobic, biological wastewater treatment systems to meet the varied needs of industry, commercial facilities, municipalities, and private development.
TITAN MBR™ Treatment System
The enhanced TITAN MBR™ Membrane BioReactor treatment system delivers the industry’s best operator experience with the greatest ease of operation and maintenance of any MBR through superior high performance flat sheet membranes, easier component access, intuitive graphical touchscreen PLC controls, smart advanced data monitoring and communications, reduced process complexity, and a streamlined membrane clean-in-place process.
Fixed-Film Treatment System
The patented S&L FAST® Process stands for “Fixed Activated Sludge Treatment,” a fixed-film, aerobic treatment system designed for tackling variable load and flow conditions. Proven in thousands of installations worldwide, S&L FAST® consists of tankage packed with completely submerged media. The S&L FAST® media creates a high surface area-to-volume ratio, which, combined with internal settling zones, maintains constant bacterial growth during low-flow and peak usage.

S&L FAST® System Solves Camp’s Variable Wastewater Problems
Fed up with a wastewater treatment system poorly equipped to deal with variable flow conditions, one retreat and camp facility thought S&L FAST® and found a more effective and operator-friendly solution.